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the Paraliminals

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(Paraliminals are $29.95 each. Put all four in your cart and the discount will be automatically applied.)


10-Minute Supercharger10-Minute Supercharger Paraliminal

Energize and become mentally alert in just 10 minutes

Get full energy and productivity all day long...and into your evening. You may never suffer from low energy again. Listen to these recordings before a presentation or an important meeting, after tennis or golf, after a flight, at a highway rest stop, or whenever you feel yourself dragging.

Reach for these recordings instead of coffee or a cola. After two or three weeks you will train your mind to use energy differently so that you may not even have to use these recordings again!

A must for anyone on the go!


Abundant Money Mindset
Abundant Money Mindset Paraliminal

Move beyond limits and build financial strength

This Paraliminal is about money. Cash. Financial support. It helps clear away any blocks, fears, and hang-ups you have about money, giving you the freedom to make your life easier, more interesting, and extraordinarily fulfilling. Period. Plain and simple.

It is time to eliminate any discomfort you have around money and create a solid foundation from which to recognize your own value and worthiness to receive. It's time to reframe your past and current ways of thinking to serve you more successfully. This Paraliminal will help you achieve this.

Here's to your future abundant money mindset!


Active Listening
Abundant Money Mindset Paraliminal

Clearly understand what others say

Authentically connect and interact with every person you encounter. Gain skills of active, purposeful, and intentional listening so you feel good about your interactions and communications in any situation at which you want to succeed.

When you take the time to place your focused attention on communicating clearly, you move your relationships forward in positive ways. Active listening helps you to understand another person’s point of view. You become clearer about who they are—their gifts, their values, what makes them tick, and what matters to them. You can listen to be a better collaborator or team member, solve problems, or get a job done efficiently.


Anxiety-FreeAnxiety-Free Paraliminal

Gain freedom from fear and project strength

If anxieties about your job, family, relationship, finances, or any other aspect of your life get the best of you, listen to the Anxiety-Free recordings. It frees you from emotional bondage so that you can better deal with challenges.

It helps eliminate uncomfortable feelings of fear, whether it is fear of flying... being in front of people... pressure... failure... success... being alone... rejection. Finally, most any fear can be controlled. No longer do fear or anxieties have to control you.

If you have any anxieties at all, use these recordings for immediate relief.


Automatic Pilot
Automatic Pilot Paraliminal

Eliminate negative self-talk and vaporize self-sabotage

Use your inner mind to enter a flow state and automatically attain goals. Learn to function at peak efficiency without internal interference. Build commitment to your goals.

Stop excess mind chatter. Stop negative, self-fulfilling prophecies that sabotage results you could be attaining. Use the power of your inner mind to work for you, not against you. This Paraliminal succeeds for personal issues, work-related problems, and sports performance.


BeliefBelief Paraliminal

Strengthen belief in your abilities to achieve your desires

We all have beliefs that either support or obstruct day-to-day accomplishments. If you believe you cannot do something, you can change that belief by listening to this Paraliminal.

Whatever held you back in the past can be gone. You can whisk away outdated beliefs and easily install new, positive beliefs that create a lifetime of "yes I can" possibilities. You are capable of getting a new job, writing better, skiing, PhotoReading, giving a speech, selling, finding love, and more. Successful people strongly believe in their ability to perform.


Break The HabitBreak The Habit Paraliminal

Free yourself from the cycle of addictive behaviors

Do you have a habit that is harming your health... hurting your job performance... ruining your home life... keeping you in any way from having a great life...

Whether you eat too many sweets - watch too much television - smoke - abuse drugs... If you have any habits that you would like to break, this program will release the handcuffs.


Conscious TimeConscious Time Paraliminal

Get the most out of every minute

Use the Conscious Time Paraliminal to create a deeply positive relationship with time that helps you feel in control of your life, always having enough time to do what is important and meaningful to you.


Creating SparksCreating Sparks Paraliminal

Ignite fun, attraction, and romance

Simply listen to this Paraliminal within a couple of hours before a date or before a cozy evening with your spouse and then look out. You’ll experience a shift in your own mental and emotional state that will cause your "date" to sizzle.


Creativity SuperchargerCreativity Supercharger Paraliminal

Apply originality, imagination, and inspiration on demand

Direct your nonconscious awareness to your vast creative potential. Intentionally trigger the connective intelligence within your brain and mind to produce ideas and inspired actions that help you accomplish your important outcomes.

Creativity is when your mind does its best work, as the brain dances with a dynamic balance between the rational/logical and the creative/intuitive modes of thinking. Whether you are pursuing a goal of artistic expression, scientific breakthrough, business achievement, or are needing to solve a problem, your creative mind is a source of power to take the next step.


Deep RelaxationDeep Relaxation Paraliminal

Enter the deepest state of relaxation imaginable

"A vacation in a bottle" is how one listener described Paul Scheele’s Deep Relaxation Paraliminal. You can see what others have to say below.

As you listen, your mind calms, stress diminishes, fatigue disappears, and your body revitalizes. Paul Scheele masterfully created this excursion into the deepest relaxation imaginable after years of studying various relaxation processes.


Dream PlayDream Play Paraliminal

Remember and use your dreams for greater success in life

Dreams can be a source of tremendous personal wealth. Through dreams you can gain access to inner strength, inspiration, and creative genius. Explore your vast, uncharted dream world to discover how dreams can work for you. Use dreams to solve problems, rehearse activities, improve productivity, gain insight, integrate personal changes, and make sense of our complex universe.



Open to the flow of good feelings

As you use Paul Scheele's Euphoria! Paraliminal, you discover your natural capacity to experience euphoria.

You recognize how internal oscillations and chaos naturally give way to a more open, expansive sense of well-being. It helps you carry this wondrous state of flow and bliss into your present moment experience whenever you choose.

When you feel the world has gotten you down, when things seem to be going wrong and stresses have piled up, you will know there is a way to put it all in perspective, and rise above it from a sense of your magnificence.



Vanquish self-doubt and live courageously

Being fearless allows you to move forward, try new things, and live in the present moment without worrying about what hasn’t happened and may never happen. It allows you to climb to new heights and achieve your heartfelt dreams.

Listening will help you be an unshakeable being who maintains true peace of mind in the midst of vast uncertainty and unprecedented change, and who can grow from fear that immobilizes others.


Financial SecurityFinancial Security Paraliminal

Create financial well-being and strength

What is compromising your financial security? What issues are in front of you right now or might be in the future?

The Financial Security Paraliminal helps you visualize your ideal future and hold it firmly in your mind so that your nonconscious promptly responds. It frees inner emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual resources to make your visualization come to life.

What good is a visualization if it does not show up in your everyday life?

The processes on Financial Security bring you the ideas, resources, people, and opportunities that assure your prosperous health and well-being.


Finding TreasureFinding Treasure Paraliminal

Expect abundance around every corner

Embrace an unyielding belief that endows your life with riches, serendipities, godsends, boundless blessings, and continuous love. As you listen to this Paraliminal, you will find yourself automatically drawn to and acting on opportunities that favor your life with prosperity, happiness, and all forms of treasure.


Finding YourselfFinding Treasure Paraliminal

Live a life of purpose and meaning

We are each a masterpiece in the making, consistently in pursuit of our highest calling. Yet our purpose can become hazy over a lifetime of thoughts, experiences, and actions unless we pay close attention and stay on course.

This Paraliminal guides you to access the wisdom of your higher intelligence so you may experience fresh discoveries about yourself and your life purpose, and easily and effectively invest your energy into what fuels your passions each day.


Five Elements HealingFive Elements Healing Paraliminal

Activate positive energy for abundant health and well-being

"Five Elements Theory for Healing" demonstrates how everything involving human health connects to the five elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water.

As you listen to the Five Elements Healing Paraliminal you amplify and blance those five positive emotions so they literally radiate through every cell in your body, making it easier for the body to heal itself and for you to live at your highest vibrations.


Focus & ConcentrationFocus & Concentration Paraliminal

Get tangible results in any area of your life -- within 24 hours!

Simplify your life. Double your productivity. Achieve all your goals. Direct your energies to accomplish those tasks that will pay you the greatest reward for your efforts.

Paul Scheele teamed up with Brian Tracy to help you gain control of your time and your life. Brian is probably the most well-known sales trainer and expert on entrepreneurship in the world, and what he knows can change anyone's life.


Fresh StartFresh Start Paraliminal

Make each moment a new beginning

Every moment offers a fresh start to a better life. You just need to know how to tap into this remarkable power, this saving grace, this bright spot, which is not on the horizon but with you right now. And it’s completely accessible in every moment.


Get Around to ItGet Around to It Paraliminal

Eliminate procrastination and be effortlessly driven to achieve

You procrastinate because you have not set a high enough priority. This Paraliminal helps you reevaluate and adjust your priorities so that you get done what you know you have to. It helps create a burning desire from within. Use Session A for general motivation and Session B for a specific thing. Look out! You are about to do it now.


GratitudeGratitude Paraliminal

Welcome the magic and fullness of life

Using it helps you become truly grateful for everything in your life. Your health, family, friends, home, work, finances, books, movies, transportation, clothing…

When you are failing to manifest your desires, it is generally because there's little genuine belief behind them. Instead there’s a natural tendency to focus on the lack of the thing you want, and this condition of lack is the antithesis of gratitude.

When you live with gratitude in your heart, you constantly affirm all that is right and desirable with your life. Focus on what you have, and you'll get more of what you want.


Happy for No ReasonHappy for No Reason Paraliminal

Build an unshakable inner home for happiness

Marci Shimoff, author of the book Happy for No Reason, created the "Happy for No Reason" Paraliminal with Paul Scheele so you have more happiness in your life right now. You don't have to wait until you fall in love, get a new home, or make a million dollars. Happiness is just moments away.


Happy MoneyHappy Money

Receive, enjoy, and trust the flow of money

Shift how you look at money (which will happen when you use this Paraliminal) and everything in your life can change, from your effectiveness at work to your intimate relationships at home… from your health and well-being to your spiritual growth.

Holiday CheerHoliday Cheer Paraliminal

Feel love, peace, and joy toward yourself and the world around you

Listen to enhance the expression of your holiday spirit, today and every day. Enjoy time out from the hustle and hassles of daily life. Add an inner sparkle to celebrations and holidays.


Ideal WeightIdeal Weight Paraliminal

Listen to Ideal Weight and you will lose weight immediately

This Paraliminal talks to your inner mind. Let your inner, subconscious mind be your ally. Let it work for you to keep your body healthy and at your ideal weight. Maybe you are now overweight, because of what is currently going on in your inner mind. Quit sabotaging yourself. Take care of it once and for all.


Instantaneous Personal MagnetismInstantaneous Personal Magnetism Paraliminal

Turn on personal magnetism for poise, charm and sex appeal

Listen to this Paraliminal to turn on your own charisma. You and others will notice a change right away. As you listen on a regular basis, your newly discovered magnetism builds. Soon your charisma becomes automatic and compelling.


Intuition AmplifierIntuition Amplifier Paraliminal

Bring clarity, trust, and power to your inner knowing

Intuition is more than a hunch. It's a powerful, useful, natural gift that can lead you to better decisions, healthier living, richer experiences, and more fulfilling relationships. (Pretty much everything.)

If you want to open the channels to your inner knowing with great clarity and trust, allowing it to guide your choices and actions, this Paraliminal is absolutely for you.


JoyJoy Paraliminal

Feel love, peace, and joy toward yourself and your world

Joy emanates from the heart. It can be felt as a fiery passion or intense enthusiasm, as a great pleasure or bliss, and as a deep abiding sense of happiness. The resourceful state of joy can propel you forward to manifest your intentions with confidence and creativity.

Joy is an essential part of health—including physical, mental, and emotional health. A large body of scientific research, for instance, has shown that positive emotions and attitudes like happiness and optimism can dramatically decrease the occurrence of major health concerns, such as heart attack, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and body weight issues.


Letting GoLetting Go Paraliminal

Gain emotional freedom from what holds you back

Use the Letting Go Paraliminal to release emotions and energies that derail your best intentions so you can experience "emotional freedom" right now.


Living the Law of AttractionLiving the Law of Attraction Paraliminal

Consistently attract the good, positive, and extraordinary

Paul Scheele created this Paraliminal with Jack Canfield, who is the Law of Attraction personified! He's one of the superstars of the DVD phenomenon The Secret, and his Chicken Soup for the Soul® series of books has sold almost $2 billion dollars!

You'll soon find yourself attracting what you need to make your life better and better. On a deep, inner mind level you will be systematically raising the “vibrational level” of your physical, emotional, and mental energy.


Memory SuperchargerMemory Supercharger Paraliminal

Improve your memory instantly

Use the Memory Supercharger Paraliminal to stimulate your memory for facts, principles, details, and theories and to strengthen your ability to concentrate on reading or dialogue.


Miracle MindsetMiracle Mindset Paraliminal

Manifest the extraordinary

Living a miraculous life begins with the mindset you are stronger than you think.

This Paraliminal helps you build a mindset to meet every goal and any challenge with confidence, courage, and unyielding strength.

You will learn to consistently step beyond your comfort zone and discover the unique gift in every experience. As you do this, you unleash greater possibilities for yourself. You create an indomitable mindset of personal power and expectation so miracles become normal and achieving your dreams becomes the rule.


New Action GeneratorNew Action Generator Paraliminal

Make choices, take action, and succeed

Use the New Action Generator Paraliminal to help you break patterns that keep you stuck and make the best choices day in and day out so you take the actions you need to succeed.


New Behavior GeneratorNew Behavior Generator Paraliminal

Acquire new behaviors or neutralize those you do not want

Behaviors are at the root of everything we do. Use this Paraliminal to neutralize behaviors that hinder you and acquire new behaviors you want.

This is the most popular Paraliminal, because it has unlimited uses. You are asked questions at the beginning of the session about your goal and behaviors. Answer them to the best of your ability, lie back, relax, and generate behaviors you desire.


New History GeneratorNew History Generator Paraliminal

Change emotions and memories that stop you

Things from the past belong in the past. They need not adversely affect you. You bring insight to memories and erase their emotional impact. As you listen to this Paraliminal, you learn from your memories and eliminate their negative effect on your life.


New Option GeneratorNew Option Generator Paraliminal

Create new solutions and choices

When you get stuck in a problem or lose your way, listen to these recordings.

You generate new options for how to think, feel, act, and respond. Many listeners experience an a-ha when listening. This Paraliminal miraculously helps you discover new ways to achieve the results you want.

Many customers tell us it is the best and most versatile creativity and problem solving Paraliminal ever devised.


No Matter What!No Matter What Paraliminal

Step into your greatness

We all have an inner coach that most people ignore.

If you could embrace your inner coach you will manifest the vision you have for your life. And that’s no matter what adversity you face or where you are in your journey.

This Paraliminal created with star-of-The-Secret Lisa Nichols helps you bounce back from setbacks faster. You tap your inner coach to remove limitation, push back fear, and step more fully into your authentic power.

You will make better decisions, build dynamic and satisfying relationships, inspire others, and help invent a better world.


Overcoming OverwhelmOvercoming Overwhelm Paraliminal

Act with calm, clarity, and effectiveness

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? With all of the stuff coming at us each day, it’s hard to avoid being overwhelmed.

But you never have to be again.

All of those mental images of urgent priorities that lodge in our minds and make us feel locked up, anxious, and tired can be a thing of the past.

The Paraliminal helps get you to a place of stillness. It soothes your emotions, energizes your body and mind, and sheds light on your abundant strengths, capabilities, and wisdom.


Peak PerformancePeak Performance Paraliminal

Fire up your motivation for superior results

We all strive to be good at something, because this leads to power... or love... or money... or recognition... or acceptance... or parental success... or career success... or relationship success... or health... or success in competitive games... or avoidance of hardships... or recreational fun... or avoidance of unpleasantness... or your personal legacy. Right?!

For peak performance -- even if it is for something as seemingly mundane as exercising every morning -- you begin with motivation. And that’s where you begin with the Peak Performance Paraliminal.


Perfect HealthPerfect Health Paraliminal

Align your mind and body for perfect health

Enhance how you use your mind to positively affect your immune system, tolerance for pain, recovery from illness or injury, and level of health.

Think in terms of wellness instead of sickness. Don't immediately decide you are getting a cold, just because you feel scratchiness in the throat. Look at it as a signal that your body needs help to maintain health. Use this Paraliminal to direct your mind to be your most powerful ally in having perfect health.


Personal GeniusPersonal Genius Paraliminal

Use your true, natural genius for learning

Tap the power of your inner mind. Discover the real genius within.

Use your dynamic imagination and powerful inner resources to draw on and build your personal genius.


Positive RelationshipsPositive Relationships Paraliminal

Attract and/or improve relationships

Attract, nurture, and maintain strong, loving, rich, and satisfying relationships. Discover the secrets of solving people problems and healing interpersonal wounds.

Resolve personal and professional conflicts with others. Improve the quality of all relationships. Interact with others in healthy and positive ways. Attract loving, supportive individuals. Enjoy the rapturous love life of your dreams.

Power ThinkingPower Thinking Paraliminal

Think clearer, smarter, faster

Habitual ways of thinking and feeling form the foundation for how you act, express yourself, relate to others, and achieve results.

The power of your mind is staggering. And its tools of perception, memory, focus, intuition, imagination, emotion, and reason can help you create a magnificent life… or one of disappointments. You choose. Master those tools and the possibilities are limitless.


ProsperityProsperity Paraliminal

Draw abundance and prosperity into any area of your life

Use the power of your inner mind to attract exactly what you want.

Find a new home, improve relationships, expand your wardrobe, play sports better, pick money-making investments, improve your intuition, and more.


Recover & ReenergizeRecover & Reenergize Paraliminal

Get your body back to feeling great

Use the Recover & Reenergize Paraliminal to bounce back quicker from any physical activity and emerge with greater strength, endurance, agility, resilience, and flexibility.


Sales LeapSales Leap Paraliminal

Develop the attitude and skills of a super salesperson

Prepare your powerful inner mind for an upcoming sale while you rehearse on a deep, subconscious level. Be resilient to rejections. Project a sense of ease and confidence. Appear knowledgeable and interested in your customers.

Sales Leap reinforces the foundations that put superperforming salespeople on top. Mentally prepare for upcoming sales success.


Seeing the UnseenSeeing the Unseen Paraliminal

Uncover new answers, insights, and ideas

Paul Scheele says you have remarkable capacities of perception waiting to be tapped. Every image and sound can be observed and acted upon.

It helps you disregard distractions, see unseen details, quickly make associations, and solve the mysteries around you. As a result, you improve the quality of your decisions, bring greater clarity and ease to your life, and manifest what you choose.

Brain scientists estimate your eyes and brain routinely process 10 million bits of information a second, yet you consciously only perceive 40 bits of the information being processed. That’s because the perceptional defense mechanisms in the brain limit what registers with the conscious mind. This keeps you from being overwhelmed by too much stimulation. It’s really a matter of survival.

But with this Paraliminal you can use these heightened senses and your full processing bandwidth to your advantage…zooming in, magnifying, cranking up the volume, and responding to subtle signals.


Self-ActualizationSelf-Actualization Paraliminal

Live each day as the best version of yourself

Who couldn't use more self-discipline?

Cultivate ongoing states of personal growth and fulfillment. This Paraliminal helps you gain access to the full measure of what is possible for you, so you can transcend perceived limits, create peak experiences that align with the best version of yourself, and make a significant positive contribution to humanity.

With the increasing clarity you gain, you can more easily align with your truest and highest self. You move into a state of congruence, finding more and more that your self-image and your ideal self are one and the same.


Self-DisciplineSelf-Discipline Paraliminal

Follow through with consistency and determination

Who couldn't use more self-discipline?

Hardwire your inner drive and determination to take action and follow through on the things you need and should be doing…with unwavering consistency. Self-Discipline helps you access a source of inner power and commitment to effectively accomplish your tasks and goals in the most efficient ways possible.


Self-Esteem SuperchargerSelf-Esteem Supercharger Paraliminal

Build confidence and feel better about yourself

Face life challenges with a stronger belief in yourself. Improve willpower, determination, and stamina. Build confidence and self-assuredness. Feel better about yourself.

This Paraliminal helps remove the negative influences of other people, situations, and your own self-talk. Listen to this Paraliminal to discover pleasant feelings of peacefulness and impending success. You can accomplish anything with the proper use of your mind.


Self-LoveSelf-Love Paraliminal

Replace judgment and criticism with acceptance and kindness

Repeatedly judging yourself, ‘shoulding’ on yourself, or blaming yourself leads to anxiety, depression, shame, fear, and other downward spirals.

As you find compassion and love for yourself, you become happier and healthier. Self-Love heals every problem. You find yourself in the flow, creating the life you love. You feel connected to family, friends, colleagues, and others in your circles. Your confidence grows, you feel emotionally balanced, and life satisfaction reaches the highest levels.


SimplicitySimplicity Paraliminal

Uncomplicate your life for more freedom and joy

Do the pressures and commitments in your life keep you from experiencing the life you want? Does the clutter of possessions constrict your space, your movement, or even your time?


Sleep Deeply/Wake RefreshedSleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed Paraliminal

Gain rest, healing, creativity, and energy

There’s too much stress in your life, and you don’t get enough sound, restorative sleep. Am I right?

Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed will help you fall asleep easily, sleep soundly, reconnect with the source of tremendous healing, balance, and well-being, and then awake refreshed and energized, ready for your new day.


Smoke FreeSmoke Free Paraliminal

Effortlessly cut back or give up smoking

The healthy life-style of a nonsmoker can be attained in just 20 minutes a day. Listen to Session A daily until you are ready to go cold turkey, then listen to Session B for two to three weeks for soothing reinforcement. No other method works better. Guaranteed.


Soul of MoneySoul of Money Paraliminal

Transform your relationship with money and life

Money is an energy that flows through life, a tool for fulfilling your wants and needs. Yet a perceived sense of lack can leave you continually wanting more. Letting go of the chase frees oceans of energy to nourish the abundance that is naturally yours. This undeniable power of sufficiency connects you to a benevolent universe that helps you intentionally generate the prosperity you desire.


Success Built to LastSuccess Built to Last Paraliminal

Create a life that matters

Enduringly successful people follow their hearts, aligning their thoughts and actions with their passions. They become energized by their work. They stay on purpose. They stay committed in the face of setbacks and challenges.

You can develop these traits for yourself thanks to the Success Built to Last Paraliminal created by Paul Scheele and Stewart Emery.


Talking to WinTalking to Win Paraliminal

Communicate with ease; Present with authority

Talking keeps the world going around. The best parents, friends, lovers, teachers, business people, politicians -- you name it -- are great talkers. Some are better than others. But everyone talks!

We've created a Paraliminal to make it easier to talk and get the results you want. It will help you condition your mind to speak with ease and effectiveness, eliminate self-defeating behaviors, and install successful strategies for conversations -- all in the first session.


Wealth MotivatorWealth Motivator Paraliminal

Amplify intention, energy, and action for wealth

This Paraliminal creates a channel for the flow of your energy toward the wealth you desire, generating opportunity and motivating decisive actions.

This could be a wealth of financial resources, a wealth of ideas, a wealth of family connections, a wealth of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

You will immerse yourself in your ideal future world and the wealth and well-being you desire, knowing you are a powerful creator of your own wealth.

You’ll build a wanting-something-hard-enough influence to accelerate the realization of any wealth goal.


You Deserve ItYou Deserve It Paraliminal

Gratefully receive life's abundant gifts
  • Own your past, release it, and free your power to create your life anew.
  • Replace fear and trepidation with self-confidence and strength.
  • Respond to challenges and opportunities with mindful awareness.
  • Receive the highest levels of love, prosperity, health, and happiness.

Give yourself permission to stand in the greatness of who you are and all that you are destined to be.



Youthful VitalityYouthful Vitality Paraliminal

Become youthful, with unbridled vitality

Some people exude youthful energy and childlike curiosity all their lives. You can too!

Rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. Youthful Vitality will help bring back traits of youthfulness and ward off the development of physical, mental, and emotional rigidity characteristic of being old.